SASSA Appeal

If your SASSA social grant application or R350 SRD grant has been declined, it’s important to understand why and appeal the decision.

Here’s a step-by-step process to SASSA Appeal online, increasing your chances of having your application reconsidered and potentially receiving the financial relief you need.

First, visit the official SASSA status check to determine the status of your grant. This will provide you with the current information regarding your application or grant.

SASSA Appeal Process

  1. Go to the SASSA website:
  2. Enter your ID number and the phone number used during the application process.
  3. Click “Send Pin” to request a PIN.
  4. Enter the PIN you receive in the provided field.
  5. Choose the month you want to appeal for.
  6. Select the appropriate reason for your appeal.
  7. Submit your appeal.
  8. Wait for the outcome of the appeal process.

Timely Action and Waiting Period

To ensure your appeal is considered, keep these guidelines in mind.

  1. File your appeal within 30 days of the initial denial.
  2. Be aware that it may take up to 90 days for a decision on your appeal.
  3. Many applicants have had their appeals approved, resulting in payment.

Applying for Monthly Reconsideration

If your application is declined for multiple months, you need to apply for reconsideration each month. SASSA emphasizes that applicants who have already submitted reconsideration applications should continue to do so for subsequent months if they are declined.

Delays in Reconsideration Requests

SASSA has informed applicants that there may be delays in the reconsideration request process. However, they assure applicants that they are actively working to resolve these delays and provide timely responses to all appeals.

SASSA Status Check

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    1. HI I NEED HELP WITH NOVEMBER AND MARCH WERE DECLINED. I’m still unemployed and those funds are really helping. šŸ™

  1. Since 2020 when we reach October month I know for sure this R350 srd grant will declines. I’m not working, 58yrs of age. Always reason means of income whereas I find help from my mother in law who got the pension whom she uses my number phone. Please help me.

  2. Hi , just want to know ? I appealled Dec 2022 and Jan 2023 it was approved but still now payment dates and it is almost a year. So what is happening.

      1. It’s been long time I apply my appeal but I don’t get any answer my appeal not approved since 2022 November and 2023 November thill now it’s pending

  3. It’s been two years now I’ve never reserve grand it’s always say fail even I appeal I don’t know what to do now I’m not working please help me

      1. I was declined for february month source of income i did receive R550 but it does not reach uthe threshold of R624 but i was decline why

  4. Hi Zondra here got approved but no pay date for April, May, June and July 2022 and still no payments I also got appeals that is pending for March and July 2023 and I don’t know what to do can you help me please.

    1. Hello my sassa is declining and I’m not working y u don’t change people who are working and get sassa but u eat our money guys but u gonna surf like that

  5. Hey madam/Sir, mi r350 declined most time, it says its because of uif, but I’m nt working at allšŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„

  6. Why I didn’t receive my sassa 350 grant fromAugust cause I don’t receive source of income from anyone and I m not working please sort this out

  7. Hi I am xoliswa noengezi i try an appeal after they closed my grant they just approved me for one payment. and its declined again but i have no other means of payment. Since I am not working.

      1. Well the next month declined too.. WTF is this…. Why you keep declining people who are unemployed whilst the employed ones are paid even though their working, wow SOUTH AFRICA neh

  8. I hv been receiving all my sassa payments bt my last year July it gave me the date and by tomorrow it was written approved the date was gone till today

      1. Hello sir I’m not working but my 350 also declined for three but my sister asked me to to transfer money on my account.i do it is possible that I will receive my money?

        1. Please contact on SASSA helpline you will get help fast and make sure your bank balance stay low otherwise SASSA will failed your Means test and your grant will stay declined for next month

  9. My Name is Vuyokazi Ashley Dlamini R350 has been declined I don’t know what is the reason because I’m not working and there is no source of income

  10. I’m Musa mthetho don’t received my money August/September/October/November/December (2022) January/September (2023) please pay back my money my cellphone number 0723101550

    1. Sir Please follow given instruction to lodge an online appeal you can appeal for each month and the only other solution is SASSA office near by please give them a visit.

    1. Really sorry sir but i think there must be some issue with your application details either you did not added your bank account or missing some documents but don,t worry it is fixable you canm appeal for all those months Please read this and make sure you added your bank account with SASSA this is the major issue why SASSA declined your grant for that Please read this

    2. I’m no longer working I tried to Apple April 2023 June 2023 it’s respond that it’s fine but still waiting for payment please assist

  11. I am Elizabeth, my srd Grant always say decline and I’m not working, even if I did an appeal it says decline,at the sassa office they are not helping us

      1. Hello
        I have applied for 350 since I am no longer working, It has declined.I have never received any money ever since I have applied for 350 grant it keeps on declining.I have been applying for appeal from June 2023 till now it’s says pending please help

          1. Hi
            I’ve been declined for R350of this month I don’t know why ,I’m not working I’m staying with my two kids please help me get approved.
            Many thanks

      1. December same thing happened and I did appeal January 2024 again then there’s no need for appeals moss let them eat the money

          1. Hi sassa my appeal declined for 350 grand since last year march decline not approved no pay date until now

          2. why my 350 it’s skips some months before I get it and I get when I toggle in to apply or when I want to do appeal it’s wen I will receive it. So since the beginning of the year I receive 5 times if I’m not mistaken

          1. My sassa r350 is showing identity verification failed and all my details is correct what could be the problem pls help I did an appeal since almost year July but no outcome?

        1. Good morning
          We really foolsšŸ˜­,the system is playing us.My child support grant was not paid.The R350 itā€™s a joke Iā€™m qualifing,one month I was paid then it stopped .

        2. I have an approved srd appeal of August 2022 it has no date, but sassa claim they processed payment from 30 -90 days,there’s no such its been 2 years now,incompence is order of the day in this filled cadre deployment department

      1. I’m katlego makola my srd 350 decline because my brother send money to my account it was for my sister social club.

      2. I didn’t get my 350 since April 2022 i really need this money ather’s aprove no payment date athers decline i really need this money

          1. Currently still unemployed still sourcing on my status is state I have salary I not receiving any salary since I not hired by a company or government institution and my above statement is true in all aspects
            Kind regards

          2. IF you Apply for Appeal in last 30 days Please wait for at least 2 months if you did not receive any grant for 3 months Visit SASSA offices.

        1. I didn’t an appeal for August on my srd grant but it’s still pending and I was declined for December as well and I called 080 060 1011 this number but I did get any help instead they told me that I should go to the website and check my appeal status

      1. My sassa said decline but am not getting any money or working am 19 still learning so i did receive my all sassa that was approved from 2022 so now is declining

        1. I’m not working since 2020
          But I did get 350
          Not every month same time I get sometimes I don’t get it what is the reason for that

          1. I’m still waiting on August 2023 and October 2023 ,were declined,source income and I’m unemployed,did call explain my situation my brother transfer money in my account July ,he confirmed must wait 90 days I mean it’s January and I was paid for September and December 2023 but I mean what happened to Aug and October

      2. Why my 350 decline I’m trying to do appeal but still decline but I’m not working pls help me

          1. My niece is applying for the first time. Why is her ID number with an active application, it keeps on saing the cellphone number we’re using is incorrect, how can this be fixed because someone is using her ID number. Please help

      3. Hi I’m nombuso I like to know why my sassa diclain 3month now but I’m not working can I get halp please šŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ˜­n thank you

      4. i am not working but mounth end i get money from parents for buying food for grocery for my little sister 2 young brother

    1. Why is my pay day late we in September i now only got July where is August i never get a date on that day it’s in by what ever time of day i will only get a messge

        1. My status said igot income from government while im am nolonger get it .n i apply for an apeal but say samething

          Iam not working yet

    2. Last month I was borrowed money that was transferred to my account and now sassa declined my October payment saying that I’m receiving payment.

    3. I made an appeal for May 2023 but until now , May 2023, June 2023,July2023, September 2023 and October 2023 they were pending. For how many Months for pending?

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