SASSA Means Test Asset and Income Threshold

When applying for a SASSA grant, it is important to understand the means test criteria. The SASSA Means Test is implemented to validate the qualifications of new and existing beneficiaries for monthly grant payments. It evaluates your income and assets to confirm that you do not exceed the specified thresholds set for your SASSA grant type. This test applies to all SASSA social grants, including the SRD R350 grant, ensuring fair distribution to those in need.

SASSA Means Test

SASSA Means Test determines the monthly eligibility of recipients based on income and asset thresholds, evaluating the combined income of spouses. It validates new SASSA applications and checks each beneficiary’s bank balance to influence monthly grant eligibility. If your bank balance exceeds the specified limit, your SASSA status will be declined for that month. The test also monitors changes in circumstances, including particular grant requirements like age limits, disability status, and registration for other social programs such as UIF, SARS, or NSFAS.

Income and Assets Threshold for SASSA Social Grants

From new applications to existing beneficiaries, the SASSA income threshold varies for each grant type. It differs for social grants and Social Relief of Distress (SRD). Review the following criteria to understand how to maintain your income and avoid being your grant declined or rejected.

Older Persons, Disability and War Veterans Grants

Single SASSA old age grant beneficiary assets must not exceed R1,313,400 (as of October 2022), and annual income should be under R92,520.

Married older person beneficiary’s combined assets should be below R2,626,800, and annual income should not exceed R185,040.

Child Support Grant and Foster Child Grants

Single SASSA child support grant parent annual income should not exceed R57,600.

Married beneficiary’s combined annual income should be below R115,200.

No Means Test implementiion on foster child grant parents with valid court order confirming foster care approval status.

Care Dependency Grant

Single-parent of SASSA care dependency grant child, assets should be under R238,800.

Married parents combined assets should not exceed R477,600.

SASSA SRD Grant Means Test

To qualify for the SRD grant your income threshold should be less than R624 in your bank account. Your SASSA balance impact your SRD grant eligibility.

By understanding and meeting these requirements, you can ensure your eligibility for SASSA grants and receive the SASSA support you need every month. Stay informed with SASSA Status Check and maintain your grant eligibility to ensure continued assistance.

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  1. Last month(October 2024) I’ve exceeded my income limit it declined, so will it still decline next month (November 2024)?
    Please help I’m worried…

  2. Is the minimum income threshold annually only? What if I exceed the monthly minimum income?

    1. Donald Mogajane says:

      This mean test thing is meant to make us more poorer and more dependent on R350

  3. Francie Vermaak says:

    I was declined. I am unemployed and caring for my very ill mother. Sometimes a family member sends me a small amount to help us. Please reconsider as we need these funds urgently.

  4. Christopher says:

    August r50 September r50 October r50 November declined for r50 in my account and us say we must have less then r624 in the account

  5. Since last year my R350 e decliner ND I’m nt working….

    1. Read about means test and make sure have less cash in bank account

  6. Mat'soeunyane Mahao says:

    This month am declined but my acc never received money but it says I there was money

    1. If Your Grant declined you will not receive money for this month wait for next month sir

      1. Hello I didn’t get 350 decline

      2. Garvely mamahlako mawela says:

        My income is less than 620 bt I don’t receive 350

      3. Rosell Lungiswa Bonile says:

        Not working, unemployed since 2009, but I am being declined for srd r350 Why? Why?

    2. Nombuleko says:

      Yes my|R350 declining

        1. Why my my phone number not mech my ID please help me

    3. Thongammbi Khalushi says:

      My R350 was Declined from May 2023 I wrote an appeal in June even now the status said Pending I explained that i have credit card that I paying every month that I took when I was still working if I don’t pay it I will be blacklisted I cannot able to get the job anymore.I was using R350 to buy basic things that I need.kindly check and advise?

    4. Ho me too the same thing

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